Thursday, July 21, 2011

Well, we'll see how my second attempt at a blog goes....

Over this past year or eighteen months, as our lives has changed from me working as a high school teacher to me staying home and working as an adjunct faculty member so I could stay home and homeschool the girls, and as we moved from rural Gladbrook to Ames, I have starting enjoying looking at different people's blogs.  Especially homeschool blogs.  So, this will be my second attempt at blogging.  I probably won't do it every day, but I am planning on documenting some of our personal and homeschool lives as we embark on our first year of homeschooling.  Ada will be a kindergarten!  I can't believe it that my kids are getting so big!  Maddie will be doing preschool type things and Hazel will continue to work on being a growing and learning toddler.  With our schooling career starting in about 4.5 weeks, the anxiety has begun on my part, but I'm sure it will all work out and am thrilled that we have decided to homeschool the girls.  During these past few weeks I need to start planning (though I will try to only micromanage my plans a week at a time) and I need to get in a good schedule of getting up early so I get my 4-5 hours of work in a day, get time to school and play with the kids, get time with my husband, get time to do household stuff (including cooking and eating meals) and get time to work out and shower each day.  I've been meaning to get this schedule going for the past year, with no luck, but with a month to go my deadline for myself is looming.

Besides my plans and schedule needing to get together, our upcoming big events are Ada's cast and pins coming off/out next Wednesday and our WI vacation starting next Friday.  Then it is a few doctors appointments, the Iowa State Fair and going to Sugarland with my mom after coming back from WI.  Then school starts.  This past year has gone by fast and I'm sure life will only speed up as we become busier, but I wouldn't change being able to spend these next years with my children for anything!

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