Well, to start off my busy week of trying to get work done, plus other appointments and plans and preparing for our trip starting WI, I am of course doing many other things instead of working! I always seem to do that, finding lots of odds and ends to accomplish besides what I really need to do. Oh well.
My added accomplishments last night and today, instead of working, have been to sign the kids up for activities for the coming months. Ada decided she really wants to try soccer. So, since the deadline for signup is the 1st, I signed her up for a U5 team through Ames Soccer Club. She's excited and we'll see how it goes since John volunteered to be a coach if they needed one. This morning the whole signing up for stuff thing was getting to me, so I went onto Ames Park and Rec and signed up the older two for gymnastics (which will hopefully not end up on the same night as soccer!) and all three girls for swimming in January. In fact, because Hazel is so little but wants to do swim lessons, I will be doing them with her for a parent-child class. Guess it's a good thing I bought some new swim suits earlier this summer.
This past weekend was good. We got some mild cleaning done and had a great dinner last night with a couple of friends of ours. Adult conversation is always good, though the girls were trying to get all attention on them and show off all night, like usual. Sat., I did some errands and ended up at Borders since it is closing it's doors. I walked around overwhelmed for 45 minutes, and between the majority of the sales only being 10% off and looking up prices on amazon on my phone, I left with nothing. I might try to find time to go back Thursday night to see if their percentages off have up, or maybe they'll still be open by the time we get back from WI. I would like to get some new books for the girls to put away for Christmas, but we'll see.
The main anxiety this week, besides working and getting ready for the trip (and doing bills Thursday, I hate bills) is Ada's doctor's appointment Wednesday. She will get her cast off and pins out. Thankfully John is coming with us so I won't have to calm Ada and wrangle the other two myself, but I'm sure it will be a stressful day.
Well, back to work I go, after this nice brain vacation :-)
Stopping by from the HipHomeschoolHop. Sounds like a busy week for you!