Thursday, August 11, 2011

Run to Iowa City, Visiting the State Fair and Getting a New Dog

With how busy our last couple of days have been, I have gotten nothing done for work, nothing.  This means that my average per day for the next three days needs to be 6.33 hours of work (each day).  Good thing it is supposed to rain and we have nothing planned until Sunday later afternoon and evening!  However, with such a busy time, I have things to post about, yeah!

Yesterday morning started out in a rush as we were running late for getting the dogs and Camille to the vet for regular check-ups and heartworm tests. The reason for running late?  Us taking 15 minutes to catch Camille as she has figured out noone can reach her when she is under the king bed, in the middle.  We finally made it to the vet and Ada got pulled down by Harley in the parking lot, onto her face and bad arm.  The bad arm she also fell on the evening before when playing tag with a neighbor boy.  Screaming ensued, she said she couldn't bend it (though within a hour was back to bending in the minimal amount she has been able to since getting the cast off and pins out 2 weeks ago) and I was texting my mom and John.  My mom went and checked with the nurse of her surgeon and by 11:30 we were on our way to Iowa City for X-rays and visiting a resident.  The X-rays were not a big deal (if you ignore Ada throwing a fit) but we ended up waiting to see the resident for almost 2 hours!  None of the girls ate lunch, except for random bits of food my mom and her friends found at their desks, and all were cranky by the time we got on the road for the 2 hour drive home.  John had dinner waiting for us (bless him) at 7:45, when we pulled in, and our day ended up with not much to show for it besides being in the car and having cranky children.

This morning we got up, got ready, and headed to the State Fair.  On the way we got a call from my mom who said she had an order in her hand for Physical Therapy for Ada's range of motion.  Her current range of motion is being able to move her arm from about 10 degrees to 90 degrees, but nothing more, and most of the time she leaves it hanging limp like she is still in the cast.  I think PT is needed and hopefully it helps, though she is already voicing her opinion of having to go.  The State Fair was fun however, and Ada and Hazel got up to help Silly Sally (who they love) with several songs when we saw her perform.  Maddie (and the other 2) got to see lots of types of animals and Maddie is already crossing her fingers our 5 raffle tickets will pay off and we will win the horse this year featured on the Avenue of Breeds.  Maddie could look at animals all day (she is my daughter) but was happy that they got to pet pigs, horses, a day old pig, an hours old lamb and cows.  The day at the fair ended on a cranky note as Hazel needed a nap and Maddie fell when trying to climb on a table to see the eggs hatching, but getting cookies and water in the car helped. 

After the fair we headed to Indianola.  I have wanted another big dog for a few years, and John and I have looked at a few dogs at shelters or advertised on craigslist, but nothing became of it.  This past weekend I started talking with a women who said she had a very sweet 1 year old Newfoundland (a breed I love) for sale.  The price was high, and though we did get them to come down a bit, it was probably still too much, but we went to look at the dog with cash in hand.  When we got to their house I was taken with this dog for two reasons.  One, he really is a sweetie, and two, I did not want to leave him in this house.  The poor dog is covered, and I mean covered, with mats.  His ears cannot lay right and he is walking poorly with his back legs (and can't really seem to climb stairs) because of these mats.  I just cannot understand how he has gotten to this point, since the people have kept him up to date on vaccines and even updated a number of shots yesterday for us, but it is bad.  On the way home I was making many calls to various groomers in town to see who I could get him into soon to shave off all his hair as that is the only way I see of getting rid of these mats.  The house was also not that clean.  The front room was a little tattered, but not bad, but as soon as we saw the "dog area" where they had doggie doors that they were offering me, I had to force myself to not show my disgust.  The sliding doors were covered in mold.  All three kids were with me and I really wanted to tell them not to breath.  I couldn't leave him in that place and know we can give him a better life.  The girls love him (except for his slobbering) already.  The other dogs are not doing too bad with him.  They are not playing yet, and Harley is not sure what to think of this huge dog trying to play with him and slobbering on him, but all is well I think in that area.  The cats and the dog will need some adjusting.  He had cats at his other house, but so far mine are not ignoring him enough and he wants to play.  The only times we have heard him bark (and what a bark!) was with Sullivan hissing and swatting at him.  I believe the dog is playing (even when he mouthed Sullivan, at least I hope), though the cats are not interested in playing.  It will take some adjustment.  But I think that Chief will be a good addition to this home, that is if I can get him name right as I keep wanting to call him other names (so does John).

Tomorrow my goal is to keep the peace between all the animals, between all the kids, to work and to get Chief's neutering scheduled.  Hopefully all our trips and driving is done for a little while.  That is until my mom and I go to Sugarland at the State Fair Sunday, so excited for that!

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