Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Science success for today...

We have been so busy these past few weeks that I have not even considered posting a blog entry, or even reading most of the blogs that are on the right hand side of this page.  There also has not been much to share, besides random happenings, so I didn't feel too bad.

As we're waiting for our pizza to cook in the oven (decided on pizza tonight, mostly because it forced me to make the bread we were out of tonight instead of waiting until tomorrow), I had a few minutes so I actually decided to make good use of my time.  Wow, what a run-on sentence!

Today was a good day.  We got back into the swing of things after not doing much "school-work" since Thursday.  The best parts of the day were science activities, yea for science!  The girls last night put their very neat glowing necklaces that they received for hallo ween in the freezer.  I was talking to them about the chemical reaction and how cold or heat changes the rate of chemical reactions.  So, all morning and once Daddy got home they have been taking their necklaces out of the freezer, warming them in their hands until they glow again, shriek with delight and then put them back in the freezer.  Last night they also used these necklaces to have a glowing bath.  What a wonderful amount of fun we've had with these cheap little things.  Ada also managed to make-up a song about chemical reactions this morning.  I need to try to remember to find lots of educational and learning songs for every topic we study, as that seems to be what catches this girls attention.  That and videos.  I think history will be full of netflix or amazon streaming in this house once the girls get older.

We also made rain in the house this morning.  Last week our Sonlight K curriculum did not have much to offer for anything dealing with science (at least not to my liking) so we read lots of our water cycle books.  This morning we reviewed the water cycle and the girls helped me figure out (well, I lead them to what I wanted to go, but their answers were right on target) how to make it rain in a cut in half and partially inverted 2 L pop bottle.  It only sort of worked in my opinion, but the girls were thrilled.  And I was impressed with their recollection of the water cycle.  Ada even remembered the word "condensing," my 9th graders always struggled with that word!

Other school related stuff is Ada is trucking along with reading eggs and actually read a book (a short phonics first book, but a book) to me last week.  So exciting!  Also, for math we are looking at the hundreds place.  Ada is doing surprisingly well.  Maddie is struggling a bit and I think next year we will be reviewed a lot of Math U See primer with her, but Maddie is 4 so I am not concerned.  We've also had 2 whole troop meetings for Daisies as well, it is looking good for this year.

Um....pizza is smelling good so that must be the end of my post.  Let us see how Daddy did (with the help of 2 little girls) in making us pizza for dinner :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather, Thanks for adding my blog to your list. Look forward to following yours as well. Your girls are adorable. I love the photos at the top of your blog. We love Reading Eggs, too, isn't it a great resource? All the best to you as you continue your homeschooling journey. :-)
    Julie at Creekside Learning
